Berlin erwacht: Morgenstimmung am Brandenburger Tor eingefangen kurz nach Sonnenaufgang am 04.09.2022. Am heutigen Sonntag erwartet die Hauptstadt nochmals herrliches Wetter mit Sonnenschein und Temperaturen deutlich ueber der zwanzig Gradmarke. Berlin Stadtteil Tiergarten und Mitte Berlin Deutschland *** Berlin wakes up morning atmosphere at the Brandenburg Gate captured shortly after sunrise on 04 09 2022 Today, Sunday, the capital once again expects beautiful weather with sunshine and temperatures well above the twenty degree mark Berlin district Tiergarten and Mitte Berlin Germany Copyright: xBEAUTIFULxSPORTS/RaphaelxSchmittx
The new week starts mostly sunny in Berlin and Brandenburg. As the German Weather Service in Potsdam announced in the morning, patches of cloud will still pass through again and again on Monday. It stays dry at first.
Especially Wednesday will be increasingly cloudy. Then showers or thunderstorms are possible again.
The temperatures rise on Monday to 22 degrees in the Uckermark and 26 degrees in the southwest of Brandenburg.
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