05.09.2022, Bayern, Hallbergmoos: Am Flughafen München stehen die Flaggen von Bayern, Deutschland, Europa und Israel. Der Bundespräsident nimmt zusammen mit dem israelischen Präsidenten an der Gedenkveranstaltung anlässlich des 50. Jahrestags des Olympia-Attentats teil. Foto: Stefan Puchner/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Pardon? How is that supposed to work when everything that has happened continues to have an effect. In 1972, the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics is still a reminder, an obligation, an order. Much remains to be done.

Compensation that is finally – finally – paid to the relatives is not enough. Even more so when it took 50 years. Basically unforgivably long: “A state failure of the first order,” says Bavaria’s anti-Semitism commissioner, small-scale and “not necessarily worthy,” said Markus Söder, Bavaria’s Prime Minister, at the commemoration event. He probably wanted to appreciate the after all: After all, it was successful, at least in time before this day. Imagine if it weren’t… Better not.

The memory of the past was dignified, and it became significant for the future. The promises were right and really big: they were express promises of protection from the Federal President and Prime Minister. Jews should feel “happy and free” in this country, be able to move and live here. Never again.

The responsibility for it never ends, that’s probably true. Not even for processing. What happened in 1972 – forgive? That’s not the question. To learn from it!