The Berlin shared taxi Berlkönig will collect passengers in the capital for the last time this Wednesday – after that, the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) will discontinue the service, as announced in June. The Berlkönig “is on the road for the last time tomorrow until the night of July 21,” the company said.
The shared taxis, which are operated by the Via company, were then on the road in the eastern part of the city for four years. The journeys could be booked using an app, and a computer calculated the route in such a way that as many passengers as possible could get on with just a few detours.
Two new BVG offers on the Berlkönig are to follow later this year. The exact start date is still unclear. On the one hand, the BVG is planning a dial-a-bus, which will also be in operation around the clock in the east of Berlin.
The service is designed to take passengers to regular stops and pick them up there. However, “direct journeys in the service area” will also be possible, it said. With this offer, trips should also be bundled.
The second project is called “Alternative barrier-free transport”. Here, passengers should be given a transport alternative, especially at train stations that are not yet barrier-free.