The planned new relief package of the traffic light coalition should be discussed with the federal states as soon as possible according to the will of SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich.
“I would very much welcome a vote between the federal government and the prime ministers in the tried and tested formats, possibly as soon as possible,” said Mützenich on Monday before a parliamentary group meeting in the Bundestag in Berlin. “We have a national responsibility.”
Mützenich said: “It can only be an effort by everyone.” The municipalities are also required. It should be undisputed that all state institutions help to support the citizens.
With a view to information from Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg on the cost effects of the planned relief package for the two states, Mützenich said: “It’s not about bills being presented by any constitutional institutions or from the federal structure.” Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg had additional costs for the package at seven billion euros for the two countries.
Mützenich believes that further relief is possible in the future. “Everyone in the coalition is aware, and was also aware during the deliberations, that (…) no one can predict today whether we will have to make further adjustments or whether we will also have to provide further, stronger aid in the future” , said the politician.
Of course, it is also important that diplomatically everything is done to end the Russian war in Ukraine.
The traffic light coalition presented a third relief package on Sunday, which the government put at around 65 billion euros.