Two Germans may have died in a small plane crash in Sweden. The Swedish police confirmed that one of the two died in the accident in Lake Siljan in the province of Dalarna.
The search continued on Tuesday for the second of the two German occupants of the amphibious aircraft – it was classified as very unlikely that the rescue workers would still find him alive. According to Swedish media reports, it is feared that the missing person is on board or near the wreck.
The twin-engine and US-registered amphibious aircraft crashed in Lake Siljan about 300 kilometers northwest of Stockholm on Monday afternoon. Eyewitnesses saw and heard it fall into the water.
According to the authorities, both people on board were German citizens – it is not yet known where in the Federal Republic they came from.
One of them was found by a rescue helicopter on Monday during a search operation, and his death was later confirmed. He was between 60 and 70 years old, according to a police spokesman, the missing person was between 20 and 30.
It was still unclear on Tuesday how the accident could have happened. On Wednesday, the plane wreck will probably be dived, as the police spokesman said when asked by the dpa. One difficulty might be the depth of the lake. According to the Aftonbladet newspaper, the water at the approximate site of the accident is over 80 meters deep. Not many could dive that deep, the lifeguard in charge told the newspaper.