(Edinburgh) The day after his election as the head of the Scottish separatists, Humza Yousaf must be formally elected Prime Minister of Scotland on Tuesday by the local Parliament before he can set about keeping his promise to obtain independence.

Humza Yousaf, 37, was elected leader of the majority Scottish Independence Party (SNP) on Monday, following an internal ballot triggered by the surprise resignation of Nicola Sturgeon last month after eight years in office.

The latter sent her letter of resignation to Charles III on Tuesday morning, in which she recalls her “ pleasure ” to have served the king, Queen Elizabeth II before him, and the Scottish people.

The vote in the local Parliament in Edinburgh to make Humza Yousaf the new prime minister is scheduled for early this afternoon.

Once elected Prime Minister, this close friend of Ms Sturgeon must be officially appointed to this post by royal warrant and be sworn in on Wednesday before the Court of Session, the Scottish Supreme Court.

Humza Yousaf takes power as the fight for independence appears to have stalled, rekindling divisions within the SNP and whetting the appetites of the Conservative and Labor opposition with about a year and a half until the next local elections.

His task promises to be difficult, underline Tuesday the British newspapers. The Telegraph believes that the departure of the charismatic Nicola Sturgeon marks “ the end of the heroic period ” of the independence party.

After his victory on Monday, Humza Yousaf, until then Minister of Health, promised to be part of “the generation that will obtain independence”, stressing that “the people” of Scotland “need independence now, more than ever “.

In London, Downing Street countered that Scots want officials “who focus on the issues most important to them: reducing inflation, dealing with the cost of living crisis and reducing waiting lists” in the system. health.

The Scottish government has jurisdiction over many issues including education, health and justice.

After the 55% “no” victory in the 2014 referendum, the debate on independence was revived by Brexit, which 62% of Scots opposed, but support for independence, at the heart of the SNP program , is currently stagnating.

According to a March 13 YouGov poll, 46% of those polled favor independence (up from 50% last month). Including the undecided, the proportion drops to 39%.

On the subject, Humza Yousaf pledged Monday to launch a popular movement in favor of self-determination, even if the British Supreme Court ruled last year impossible to organize a new referendum without the agreement of London , which strongly opposes such a vote.

“He needs to make sure he leads and reinvigorates the campaign for independence, that we have a discussion about what kind of country Scotland should become,” said Ian Blackford, former leader of the SNP MPs on Tuesday. British Parliament, on Sky news.

In addition to this major issue for the future of the United Kingdom, whose divisions between its four constituent nations (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) have been aggravated by Brexit, Humza Yousaf will have to convince the Scots that the SNP can solve their problems.

According to an Ipsos poll published on Tuesday, half of them consider that Scotland is “going in the wrong direction” and that the government has done “a bad job” in terms of health, education or the evolution of the level of life.

The new leader embodies continuity, with progressive positions on social issues and anchored on the left on the economy, wishing for example to increase taxes on the richest in Scotland, which has a population of 5.5 million.

He also backs the controversial law facilitating gender reassignment, which was blocked by London and put his predecessor in trouble.

But the election, which Humza Yousaf did not win with a significant lead over his more conservative rival, showed “ how much change is needed ”, believes The Guardian.