ARCHIV - 02.04.2019, Berlin: Eine getrocknete Hanfknospe liegt in einer Metallschale. (zu dpa: «Psychotherapeuten für Mindestpreis für Alkohol und freies Cannabis») Foto: Jens Kalaene/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

This number brings even die-hard stoners into the here and now: Cannabis abuse is behind around 30 percent of all drug therapies in the EU. This is shown by the annual report of the UN Office on Drugs, which bursts into the middle of the legalization efforts of the German traffic light coalition. She is just listening to experts on the subject until the end of the week. The UN report could – and should – shake things up.

However, the report does not fundamentally speak against legalization. The truth is: Cannabis can trigger psychoses and eat away at the brain. It’s an intoxicant. Controlling its damage is better left to politics than to the black market.

The harmful effects of drugs can be brought to an acceptable level through education and controlled dispensing. Seen in this way, the report contains the following suggestion for the work of the traffic light legalizers: There are ways to regulate the increasing THC content of legal and illegal cannabis.

In the US, where cannabis is partially legal, there are products with extremely high levels of THC. With all eyes on the more progressive foreign countries: The traffic light must not let it get that far in this country. Luckily she has it in her hands.