audit companies such as the TÜV organisations and Dekra propose that an independent data Trustee to build up, the sensitive data and Autonomous vehicles. A protected Trust Center in the state order would allow auditors direct access to safety and environmental relevant data and diagnosis functions in the vehicles, argue the testing organizations.

The vehicle users would maintain full authority over the Transmission and use of your data, according to a paper from TÜV and Dekra. With the instance of a Trustee should be prevented, that the manufacturers alone decide about the access for example, accident data of modern networked vehicles.

The car transform into a Smartphone on wheels, the generating permanent data, said the Executive Director of the Association of the TÜV, Joachim Bühler. “We want to make sure that the access to the data of the vehicle user-neutral and privacy-compliant. Safety and environmental data should, in future, be on a neutral Server for the appropriate Checks used loaded.”

there are, for example, about whether or not the correct Software for the exhaust gas cleaning up is playing or whether the work the brakes properly. “It’s not about the data about Driving too fast, and it’s also not a movement profile.”

data Trustee clear legal guidelines for the storage and processing of vehicle data would have to meet. For this purpose, independent organizations come from the vehicle manufacturers in question, had no interest in commercial exploitation of the data, said Bühler. Only authorized third parties have access to the data, so, for example, police and prosecutors in the framework of investigations or insurance in case of accidents.

the insurance group Allianz, had already demanded that it should be used as an independent Trustee, in which data is to be stored.