Bacton, a quaint village located in Suffolk, is currently undergoing a rapid expansion with the approval of six large development sites. This growth comes after a decade of limited expansion, with only 13 new households added between 2011 and 2021. However, recent years have seen a significant increase in planning permissions for new homes, with 396 new homes set to be built in the village.
The surge in housing development in Bacton can be attributed to the Mid Suffolk District Council’s decision to implement different planning rules due to the insufficient number of homes being built in the area. These new rules make it more challenging to reject planning applications for new developments, leading to what some locals describe as a “free-for-all” for developers.
Despite the positive impact of new housing on the local economy, some villagers express concerns about the pace of growth and its effects on the village’s infrastructure. Issues such as increased traffic, speeding, and potential strain on the village’s sewage works have been raised by residents who feel that the rapid expansion may be overwhelming for the small community.
Positive Reception Among New Residents
Amid the controversy surrounding the rapid expansion of Bacton, new residents like Josephine Jackson, 84, are embracing the changes. Jackson, who moved to the village from Oxfordshire to be closer to her daughter, describes the welcoming atmosphere in Bacton as “brilliant.” She highlights the amenities available in the village, including a doctors’ surgery, shop, garage, and pub, which have contributed to her seamless integration into the community.
Rory MacRae, co-owner of The Bull, a historic pub in Bacton, echoes Jackson’s sentiments, noting that the influx of new faces has brought a positive change to the village. While acknowledging the rapid pace of development, MacRae emphasizes the warm reception of newcomers and the overall positivity surrounding the growth of the community.
Challenges and Concerns
However, not all residents share the same enthusiasm for the rapid expansion of Bacton. Vanessa Kingsley, a long-time resident of the village, expresses concerns about the impact of increased development on issues such as traffic, speeding, and flooding. As the chair of the parish council, Kingsley acknowledges the benefits of having new people in the community but emphasizes the strain that the rapid growth is placing on the village’s infrastructure.
David Chambers, a former parish council chair, also voices apprehensions about the changing character of Bacton, noting that the village now resembles more of an urban area than a traditional village setting. Chambers highlights the challenges of commuting for work due to the lack of local job opportunities and raises questions about the sustainability of further development in the area.
Planning and Development Regulations
The rapid expansion of Bacton is a result of changes in planning regulations and housing targets set by the Mid Suffolk District Council. Andrew Stringer, the council’s Green cabinet member overseeing planning, explains that the village’s growth is a response to a dip in housebuilding in the region, prompting the need for accelerated development to meet demand.
Stringer points out that the council’s local plan aims to address the housing shortage by setting higher targets for new homes in the area. However, concerns remain about the sustainability of such rapid growth and the potential strain on the village’s resources and infrastructure.
In response to criticisms about the pace of development, the council emphasizes the need for sufficient housing, employment opportunities, and infrastructure to support the growing community. Developers in Bacton highlight the contributions they make to the local community through community infrastructure levy payments and affordable housing initiatives.
As the village of Bacton continues to grapple with the challenges and opportunities presented by its rapid expansion, residents, developers, and local authorities must work together to ensure that the growth is sustainable and benefits the community as a whole.
In conclusion, the rapid expansion of Bacton brings both excitement and concerns to the village’s residents. While new housing developments offer economic opportunities and community growth, challenges such as infrastructure strain and changes in the village’s character must be carefully addressed. By engaging in dialogue and collaboration, stakeholders can navigate the complexities of growth and ensure that Bacton remains a vibrant and sustainable community for generations to come.