If anyone needs an audio sample of how far music and singing can be heard on the water: the Berlin water police have now filmed this party raft. Be sure to listen with sound!
All this goes well with the heat in Berlin and the problems on Berlin’s waters in summer, whether Havel, Spree or Müggelsee. Berlin politics has finally pricked up its ears after countless people complained about the increase in noise and frenzy.
The police are not only arming themselves with new speedboats, they are also handing out flyers to the party people on the water – with a sentence from Wilhelm Busch: “Music is often not found beautiful because it is always associated with noise”, is right at the top on the police letter that the Tagesspiegel newsletter for Spandau has now reported on. He repeatedly takes up the topic, gave countless residents, sailors, rowers and other water sports enthusiasts a chance to speak (“We are not slalom poles!”), reported on fast police boats and new guards at Wannsee and on district, state and federal politics asked about it. Even at the start of the 2022 season, the noise and criminal frenzy was only a topic in the Tagesspiegel.
“Noise caused by loud conversations or music is often thoughtlessly caused,” says the police flyer. And further: “The mood on board is exuberant, the conversations are getting louder, the music too…” Residents and other water sports users would be there forget quickly.
[Specific district news, dates, tips: The district newsletter from the Tagesspiegel is now available once a week free of charge here tagesspiegel.de/bezirke]
That’s why the rules are in black and white: Significant disturbances of the peace are generally prohibited, and the night time from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. is particularly protected (“ban on music above room volume, party noise or disruptive conversations”). Cost: from 20 to 2500 euros penalty.
“Please be considerate,” appealed the water police and remained forgiving: “We wish you a pleasant water sports season, relaxing hours on the water and always a hand’s breadth of water under the keel! Your water police.” Here you can read the flyer of the water police in its entirety: PDF link.
And here are the topics that you will find in the current Tagesspiegel newsletter for Spandau.- Interview with Spandau’s best-known author Renate Bergmann about her 1st reading in Spandau, about the old town, heat and savings tips
– “Not only schools affected”: In the newsletter, the city council reveals which road construction sites in Spandau were stopped by the billion-euro austerity package
– Where are new school buildings planned in Spandau? There is now a new list in the town hall, from Siemensstadt to Staaken
– Heinrich-Böll-School: key handover after 30 years of history
– Spandau is getting new trees: the number, the planting time – and which well-known streets from Staaken to Haselhorst are involved this time, the newsletter reveals
– 1st neighborhood block planned in Spandau – the history behind it goes back many years
– Reader photos from the port of Kladow: There are also new parking spaces for cars – and endless P signs at Wannsee
– Excursion tips: Hahneberg, citadel – and lanterns in Little Venice
– Sports: Mayor’s Cup with mayoress at the Spandau Kickers – and SC Gatow introduces new kick-off times
– Water protection police distribute flyers on the Havel – and show a nasty video
– Is Spandau SV coming back?! Citizens want to revive the legendary club
Our district newsletters already have more than 265,000 subscriptions. Try us too! There you will find – bundled, once a week – concrete news from your district, neighborhood debates, many dates and tips. We look forward to you!