24.07.2022, Niedersachsen, Bohmte: Eine Polizistin sichert Spuren an einer Straße. Nach einem tödlichen Unfall in Bohmte im Landkreis Osnabrück, bei dem ein einjähriges Mädchen von einem Wagen überrollt wurde, hat die Polizei bei dem Autofahrer einen Atemalkoholwert von 0,8 Promille gemessen. Das Kleinkind war mit einem Bobbycar von einem Grundstück in einen verkehrsberuhigten Bereich gerollt. Dort kam es zum Zusammenstoß. Foto: Heinz-Jürgen Reiss/Nord-West-Media TV/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

A one-year-old girl was run over by a car while driving a bobby car in Bohmte, Lower Saxony, and died. The accident on Saturday evening happened in a traffic-calmed street, as the Osnabrück police announced on Sunday. A 38-year-old driver had just turned left following the course of the road when the girl with the bobby car rolled out of a driveway onto the road.

The car caught the toddler and rolled over it, police said. The 22-month-old child suffered such serious injuries that he died at the scene of the accident, despite attempts to revive him immediately. First responders, an ambulance and an ambulance crew fought for the girl’s life, police said. A rescue helicopter was also called.

Several emergency chaplains were on duty. The parents, who, according to several media, witnessed the accident, also had to be looked after.

According to police, the driver drove a little further. Then parked and returned to the scene of the accident.