(New York) New York justice is investigating on Thursday the death of a known homeless person in the city, after an altercation on May 1 on the subway with other passengers, one of whom allegedly strangled him, a news item filmed and which shocked.

Jordan Neely, 30, who had achieved minor fame by impersonating Michael Jackson on the streets, was the victim of a “homicide” by “compression” in the neck, New York forensic medicine told AFP .

Alerted by passengers and by a video on social networks of a violent altercation in the subway, the police had found Monday afternoon that a thirty-year-old African-American had lost “consciousness”.

Transported to the hospital, he died there shortly after, according to an email from law enforcement.

The five-minute video, widely shared in the press and seen by AFP, shows the victim on the ground in a subway car, another man – a 24-year-old Marine soldier according to media reports – lying behind him to shackle him and squeeze his upper body.

Other passengers standing above the two men look taken aback.

A witness told AFP that Mr. Neely burst into the car, shouting at passengers and asking them for something to eat or drink.

Police briefly questioned the chokehold suspect, and it is now up to the New York State Attorney’s Office for the Borough of Manhattan to decide whether to prosecute criminally.

“As part of our ongoing rigorous investigation, we will review the forensics report, all available photos and videos, identify and interview as many witnesses as possible,” a prosecutor’s office spokesperson said in an email Thursday. of Manhattan.

Mr. Neely imitated Michael Jackson in the streets of midtown Manhattan, where he lived, and had been arrested dozens of times, including for noise on the public highway, according to the press.