ARCHIV - 10.02.2022, Berlin: Eine Person hält 12 Euro in der Hand. Der gesetzliche Mindestlohn in Deutschland soll zum 1. Oktober 2022 auf zwölf Euro steigen. Der Bundesrat befasst sich in seiner Sitzung am 10. Juni u.a. mit dem Thema neuer gesetzlicher Mindestlohn. Foto: Fernando Gutierrez-Juarez/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

July also has some changes in store for citizens. There will be a substantial pension increase on July 1st. Retirement benefits will increase by 5.35 percent in western Germany and by 6.12 percent in eastern Germany. We summarize the changes.

Those who work for the minimum wage will get more money from July. The statutory lower wage limit increases from EUR 9.82 to EUR 10.45 per hour. This corresponds to the decision of the Minimum Wage Commission, which regularly adjusts the amount. At the request of politicians, an unscheduled one-time jump to twelve euros per hour will follow on October 1st.

For adult Hartz IV recipients there is a one-time payment of 200 euros in July. For recipients of unemployment benefit I, the surcharge is 100 euros.

Because of the increased energy prices, the child benefit is increased once. The child bonus of 100 euros is granted independently of social security benefits. The immediate surcharge of 20 euros per month is aimed at children in low-income families. It should be given to children, adolescents and young adults who are entitled to basic security, payments under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act or additional support for living expenses under the Federal Supply Act – or for whom child supplements are paid.

According to the Federal Building Ministry, the heating cost subsidy for low earners will be paid out in July in some federal states. One-person households receiving housing benefit receive a one-time payment of EUR 270, a two-person household EUR 350 and each additional family member EUR 70.

Students and trainees who receive state aid such as Bafög also receive the heating subsidy.

From July, the surcharge for the promotion of green electricity will no longer apply. It was last at 3.72 cents per kilowatt hour.

The citizen tests, which have so far been free for everyone, are only available to a limited extent – for example for children up to five years of age, pregnant women in the first three months, visitors to hospitals and nursing homes, members of the household of infected people and residents of integration assistance facilities. All those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons can continue to be tested free of charge. Otherwise, a test costs three euros.

From July, the costs of prenatal blood tests for trisomy will be covered by the statutory health insurance companies under certain conditions. The background to this is a decision by the Federal Joint Committee, according to which the blood test for trisomies 13, 18 and 21 can be carried out in justified individual cases and after medical advice to the pregnant woman and billed to the statutory health insurance companies. The aim of examining fetal DNA from maternal blood is to avoid invasive and risky methods such as amniocentesis.

From July it will be easier to terminate contracts on the Internet – the so-called termination button will appear. This is stipulated by the law on fair consumer contracts. If a company offers to conclude a contract online via a website, it must also be possible to cancel via the website. The button applies, for example, to subscriptions to magazines or streaming services as well as to gym or mobile phone contracts. If a button is missing, although a company is obliged to do so, termination without notice is possible.