Just last week you could read about how important the work of the DLRG in Berlin is. Water sports enthusiasts on Lake Tegel and off the island of Scharfenberg got into trouble. And there was also a large-scale operation in Berlin-Kladow and on the Wannsee. But now the alarm is also being sounded in Berlin-Reinickendorf, because “voluntary helpers, trainers and lifeguards are missing at the start of the 2022 bathing season”. The Tagesspiegel newsletter for Reinickendorf reports on this in its current issue.
Both the Havel and the Tegeler See are affected: in the two years of the corona pandemic, the DLRG would have lost every fourth member – “that’s around 150 fewer members in Reinickendorf alone,” warns Felix Schönebeck, CDU district representative and deputy district manager and Head of association communication at the DLRG.
“In particular, we are missing volunteers for swimming training and the water rescue service. So that we can ensure the safety of people in, on and around the water, we urgently need women and men, girls and boys who want to get involved with us for the common good,” says Schönebeck.
However, they are not only looking for helpers for swimming training and the water rescue service, but also for administrative tasks such as membership administration, organization or work services.
[Concrete news from your district: Now bundled and compact once a week in Berlin’s district newsletters – free here: leute.tagesspiegel.de]
Previously, the DLRG had also reported on the Spandau beaches about staff shortages and asked for help in the Tagesspiegel newsletter for Spandau. Christin Respondek, head of the Spandau DLRG, reported that not all Spandau stations could be sufficiently occupied due to high school exams, Pentecost and holidays. Like everyone else, she does this service on a voluntary basis, i.e. in her free time.
Berlin’s lifeguards need support and are not only happy about interested young people who want to take part, but also about donations. Because sunscreen, motors, food, binoculars or DLRG swimsuits are good money that the volunteers cannot pay for privately: Read the whole story in the Tagesspiegel for Spandau here.