Environment Senator Bettina Jarasch (Greens) considers ideas to secure Berlin’s colonies of arbors via an allotment garden protection law to be unworkable. “In the allotment garden advisory board, we didn’t get any further on the subject. I haven’t discovered any new legal way,” said Jarasch at a panel discussion on Saturday in the allotment garden association Bornholm I. The debate was moderated by Tagesspiegel author Robert Ide, who is also chairman of the association.
She knows nothing about a new draft law from the red-green-red coalition. The debate is about “a phantom”. More safety for the allotment gardeners cannot be achieved in this way. “Please don’t fool yourself,” said Jarasch, addressing the allotment gardeners present. During the past legislative period, the SPD and Left factions had drawn up a draft law to protect Berlin’s allotment garden colonies. Even then, the Senate Chancellery and the Senate Departments for Finance, Environment and Urban Development had declared the plans unfeasible, as the federal government was legally responsible. “We are now examining what is still possible at the federal level,” said Jarasch. According to the Senator for the Environment, the allotment garden development plan and changes to the respective land use plans are better security instruments.
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Left MP Katalin Gennburg (left) announced at the same time that she wanted to present a new draft law together with the SPD. We will make a new attempt.” The allotment garden development plan only secures 82 percent of the facilities permanently, criticized Gennburg. In addition, she accused the Senate Department for Urban Development of Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) of not adequately securing the endangered facilities via development plans. “There is a lack of political will”.