Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach has promised an early agreement in the coalition on a concept for corona protection regulations for the autumn. He expects results “in a very short time,” said the SPD politician on Wednesday in Berlin. Negotiations with Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) progressed very quickly.
Lauterbach again rejected calls for an end to the obligation to isolate people infected with corona, as this would only accelerate the pandemic. There is currently “no reason to change the isolation rules”
Lauterbach and Buschmann are negotiating a follow-up regulation for the Corona provisions in the Infection Protection Act, which expire on September 23. They are the legal basis for measures in the federal states and name possible instruments. Most recently, general mask requirements for events or when shopping fell away in the spring, as did access rules such as 2G or 3G.
After the summer break, the Bundestag will meet again for the first week of meetings on September 5th and could then pass the law.
Several FDP politicians in the coalition are also working to eliminate the obligation to isolate. The head of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Andreas Gassen, had campaigned for this to alleviate the shortage of staff.
Currently, for the general population, mandatory isolation can end after five days – with a “strongly recommended” negative test at the end.