ARCHIV - 14.04.2020, Russland, Moskau: Kremlsprecher Dmitri Peskow nimmt an einer Videokonferenz im Moskauer Kreml teil. (zu dpa "Russischer Botschafter: Nord Stream 1 könnte komplett ausfallen") Foto: Alexei Nikolsky/Pool Sputnik Kremlin/AP/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

I believe that everyone who has responsibilities in the world has to deal every day with the question of how we can ensure maximum support for Ukraine and at the same time avoid an escalation that would affect the whole world. That is the oath of office I swore, and I will always abide by it.

This will create the largest conventional army within the NATO framework in Europe.

So we’re not in a situation where you can see the end.