Der Vorsitzende der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz, Wolfgang Ischinger, stellt in der Bundespressekonferenz den Münchner Sicherheitsbericht 2019 vor. Vor Beginn der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz hat er die deutsche Außenpolitik als zu behäbig kritisiert. Die militärische Kraft Deutschlands sei im Vergleich zum politischen Gewicht in Europa zu schwach, betonte der Top-Diplomat. +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

According to the former chairman of the Munich Security Conference, Wolfgang Ischinger, Germany must completely reorganize its foreign and security policy as a result of the Ukraine war. “No other country that I know of has been shaken by this unprovoked military attack in the essential basic assumptions of its foreign and security policy like Germany,” said Ischinger on Thursday at a conference in Salzburg.

“In security policy, in our Russia policy, in our energy policy, we are at “ground zero” and have to start from scratch,” he said at the “Salzburg Summit”, which was organized by the Austrian Federation of Industrialists. “Ground Zero” also stands for the World Trade Center in New York during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

For a long time, Germany was focused on preserving the current situation and therefore stuck to its partnership strategy with Moscow after the Russian annexation of the Ukrainian Crimea in 2014, said the former German ambassador in Washington.