increased The number of strike days in Germany during the last year. Around one Million working days were 2018, more than four Times as many as 2017, according to the economic and Social research Institute (WSI) of the Union – affiliated Hans-Böckler-Foundation. The main reason of the labor dispute in the metal industry was, therefore, to. Major Strikes in the Public service at the Federal and local authorities and from Deutsche Bahn.

The increase can be explained, according to WSI in addition to the fact that in 2017, was relatively the strike little. Accordingly, the number of strikers rose of 131,000 in the year 2017 to just under 1.2 million in 2018 – similar values had also been in the years 2015 and 2016. For the current year, the WSI researchers expect a renewed significant decline in strike volume.

About 60 percent of the days lost were accounted for in the past year, according to the WSI-statistics on the workers ‘ struggle during the metal-bargaining round. More than three-quarters of all the strike participants came from the metal and electrical industry. The University hospitals in Düsseldorf, there have been strikes. A greater role was played, according to the WSI is also the first strike in the history of the low cost carrier Ryanair, as well as the workers ‘ struggle in the automotive supplier Neue Halberg Guss in Sachsen. The longest labor dispute in Germany will be held at the US online retailer Amazon: There Busy days to strike a way for six years for a collective agreement.

an international comparison of Germany with the days lost per 1,000 Employees, according to WSI in the midfield. Between 2008 and 2017, 16 were, therefore, in the country in average days per 1,000 Employees. In Denmark, there were in the same period, an average of 116 days, in France, 118. Fewer days than in Germany, Poland, Sweden, Austria, and Switzerland. In Italy and Greece, is conducted according to WSI for some time already, no strike statistics. The detection methods are, however, very different.