The Berlin Senate apparently assumes that the hard core of the car blockers consists of around 70 activists. This comes indirectly from a response from Interior Secretary Torsten Akmann (SPD) to a request from the CDU legal expert Alexander Herrmann, which is available to the Tagesspiegel in advance.
It is difficult to determine a valid total number of all activists involved, but by June 27, 2022, the responsible state security had identified 69 people who “were recorded by the police more than once in connection with blockades,” the letter says.
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These men and women were noticed both with administrative offenses, mostly violations of the Freedom of Assembly Act, and with possible criminal offenses, especially coercion and resistance to law enforcement officers. According to the Secretary of State’s reply, criminal proceedings against 33 men and women are currently pending before the public prosecutor’s office, 19 of whom are accused in more than one case.
The climate protectors, who describe themselves as the “rebellion of the last generation” and demand less CO2 emissions, blocked a motorway exit on Friday. Demonstrators stuck to the roadway on the A103 in Schöneberg; In addition to quick-acting adhesive, the activists even use quick-acting concrete. Some of the blockers were temporarily taken into custody.
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The “Last Generation” then announced a temporary break in the blockades in order to be able to mobilize more people for their protest: “If the government does not abandon its destructive course, we will come to Berlin again in the fall and bring society’s will to survive to the Street carry.” The judiciary must prepare well for the fall, said Deputy Herrmann. The almost daily blockades of the last few weeks have massively affected many commuters.
In the past few weeks, the opposition had asked the Senate to take a harder line against the blockers. Berlin’s Senator for Justice Lena Kreck (left) refused to get involved in the investigation into the climate protection demonstrators.