Computers have been around for a relatively short time, compared with the study of computers. However, the roots of computer studies can be traced back to the 18th century when Gottfried Leibniz, who is said to be the first computer scientist, introduced the binary system.

Since then, a lot of people have contributed to the study of computers. Moreover, the study kept evolving with time and finally led to the creation of computers in the mid-1900s.

After computers hit the market in the middle of the 20th century, the need for computer experts emerged. To counter that, the discipline of computer science appeared in the 1960s.

Computer science is the study of computers, and consists of data structures, algorithms, network design, computers, information processes, data modeling, and artificial intelligence.

As the name of the subject suggests, the study consists of the fundamentals of computers and the discipline of sciences such as mathematics and engineering.

Even before computer science was considered an independent field, the study of computers existed for centuries. However, after it was officially recognized as computer study, exponential growth has been observed in the field.

In the last 60 years, computer science developments had surpassed those made before it emerged as an independent discipline.

Let us look at how the study of computers has evolved with time.

Early years of computer science

Right after the formation of computer science, the study was mainly based upon the theoretical framework of computing, such as analyzing algorithms and their design. Moreover, studies were being done at this stage to make computers more efficient and easy to use.

Since the phenomenon of computers was relatively new at that time, the study back then was mainly focused on programming and the hardware of the computer.

In the early years, some of the essential components of computers, such as the mouse and microprocessor, were developed with the help of computer science.

Besides the hardware, the study’s primary focus was on the computer’s programming. As a result, in the late 1960s and 70s, many different programming languages were introduced.

Moreover, the study at that time looked into ways to construct the internet and algorithms to improve the functions of computers.

Post-internet computer science

After focusing on hardware and programming in the 60s and 70s, a change in the study of computer science was observed after the invention of the internet in 1983. The study was now paying more attention to internet and software development usage.

In the 80s, the world observed a drastic change as personal computers became common, and the first Windows was launched in 1985.

This shifted the course of computer science from hardware to software. Moreover, as the accessibility of the internet increased, new fields of study emerged within computer science related to data and information.

Currently, in the era of the internet and information, computer science has evolved to become one of the most practical and applicable areas of study. At this point, many fields of computer science have emerged, such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing and virtual reality, affecting people’s daily lives.

Computer science has been given great importance lately due to its contribution in making people’s lives easier in one form or the other. As computer science is gaining popularity, universities nowadays are offering computer science courses to students.

Young enthusiasts are enrolling in universities to get their computer science undergraduate and master’s degrees. Some universities are even offering online master’s of computer science to accommodate the students who want to pursue their master’s degrees online in computer science.

Computer science in the upcoming years

We have seen how the study of computers evolved with time. Initially, the study relied on theories and bookish knowledge. However, later it evolved into a more practical and experimental field, as the relevance of computer science increased in daily lives with time.

As time passes, artificial intelligence and other fields of computer science are becoming an essential part of our lives. For example, recently, it has been decided that artificial intelligence will soon be introduced in football to analyze the players’ performance.

It could be predicted while looking at the trends that computer science will likely shift more from orthodox theories to practical implementation in the upcoming years. Moreover, the scope of the study will spread as more fields will be explored with time.

Other than that, as internet and social media usage is increasing daily, it is possible that people will be made aware of data privacy and ethical practices in the future.


We have tried to summarize the study of computers over the years in this blog for you. We started by exploring that although computers were made in the 20th century, the traces of their study lie back in the 18th century.

Over the years, the study evolved as new developments were made. One of the most significant milestones was achieved when computer science was recognized as an independent discipline that covers the study of computers along with science.

Initially, computer science focused on hardware and programming, as back then ways were being found to make computers easier to use. However, once computers became more commonplace and their accessories were completed, the study focused more on software and other fields of computer science, such as artificial intelligence.

Moreover, it is expected that soon computer science will shift from orthodox theories and focus more on the practical implementation of the developments in the field.

Other than that, it is likely that along with training people to have command of computers and data, computer science will also educate people on how to use these tools ethically.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this blog and it has made you aware of how the study of computers has changed throughout the years.