According to a report, the Thuringian AfD state chairman Björn Höcke wants to reduce the leadership of the party. As the newspapers of the editorial network Germany (RND) reported, citing applications for the party congress, Höcke wants to pave the way for a single leader.
“The federal board consists of one or two federal spokesmen,” says Höcke’s application text. The party leaders at the AfD are called federal spokespersons. So far, the statutes have provided for a double or triple leadership.
According to the RND, there are other similar applications. It is uncertain whether one of them will receive the required two-thirds majority at the party congress.
In the past, there had always been heated arguments between the federal spokesmen at the top, most recently between Tino Chrupalla and Jörg Meuthen. Meuthen resigned in January and left the party.
Höcke has so far kept open a candidacy against Chrupalla. The 50-year-old told the Süddeutsche Zeitung in mid-May that he would “stand as a candidate” at the federal party conference in four weeks. This applies “if I have the feeling that the party has to position itself in principle in mid-June,” said the chairman of the Thuringian AfD state association.