26.06.2022, Berlin: Fußball: Bundesliga. Frank Steffel, Präsidentschaftskandidat, kommt zu der außerordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung des Fußballvereins Hertha BSC. Foto: Britta Pedersen/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Frank Steffel remains president of the handball Bundesliga team Füchse Berlin. The 56-year-old entrepreneur had offered his resignation to the Foxes executive committee in the course of his ultimately unsuccessful candidacy as president of the Bundesliga club Hertha BSC.

The Vice Presidents announced their decision on Monday. They “rejected their president’s offer of resignation and unanimously asked Frank Steffel to continue the successful and trusting work with the foxes.” Steffel will remain president of the foxes at least until next year, when there will be elections again.

The former CDU member of the Bundestag was defeated by the former Ultra Kay Bernstein at the Hertha general meeting on Sunday. The Hertha supervisory board had previously voted unanimously for Steffel. “I was not aware of such a deep rift at Hertha BSC and the split between the Ultras and the other members to this extent,” said Steffel on Monday.