24.07.2022, Baden-Württemberg, Gammertingen: Ein Einsatzfahrzeug der Feuerwehr wurde auf Grund großer Hitzeeinwirkung während eines Großbrandes bei einem Reifengroßhändler beschädigt. Foto: Thomas Warnack/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

A forest fire near Gransee/Schönermark causes more smoke to develop. The Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance announced in an official warning that the cloud of smoke was moving into downtown Gransee. The fire brigade was already alerted and in action. The RBB reported first.

Residents of Gransee are asked to keep the emergency numbers of the fire brigade and police free for emergency calls. Windows and doors should remain closed and air conditioning systems should be switched off. If possible, the area should be bypassed or avoided as far as possible.