(Montreal) The Dubé reform centralizes when it says it decentralizes and it reshuffles structures instead of listening to what those who know the network best, namely those who work there, have to say.

This is the reply that the unions of the health network served on Wednesday before the reform just tabled by the Minister of Health and Social Services Christian Dubé.

“Governments have been repeating the same mistakes for decades. Centralize ever more and consult ever less. It’s the perfect recipe to make the situation worse,” commented Robert Comeau, president of the APTS (Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux), one of the main unions in the field of health. , with 60,000 members.

In his eyes, this umpteenth reform of the health network is “corrupted” by “the lack of consultation of employees”. Yet they are the ones who best know the problems we are experiencing there and who would have solutions to offer.

At the CSQ and its Health Federation too, we deplore the game of structures. “We still seem to be shuffling structures and playing around with organizational charts without necessarily tackling the real substantive issues.”

“The obstacle to improving care is not the ‘union shackles’ but the shackles of poor working conditions, which leads to the exodus of staff to more advantageous countries,” criticized Isabelle Dumaine, president of the CSQ Health Federation.

At the FTQ, President Magali Picard wonders if this umpteenth reform will really help the network, citizens and workers. “We know that the network is not doing well. We are aware of the fact that we need to have rearrangements, that we need to work differently; we are aware of it. But why not come in advance before bringing such important projects, which will change the lives of thousands of people? she asked.

It takes the example of making seniority attached to all of Quebec rather than to a CISSS or a CIUSSS.

“It’s probably applicable to make changes to seniority, however, that’s not, that’s not why the network isn’t doing well.” It won’t change anything. I find it extremely unfortunate and even insulting to say that there, we have qualified people, but that as we have to take the oldest, the network is going badly, “laments Ms. Picard.

The president of the largest trade union federation also finds that the Dubé reform centralizes management at the Health Quebec agency and centralizes the negotiation of collective agreements by reducing the number of tables, while the minister says he wants to decentralize.

She believes that by doing so, we lose the “color of the regions”, “we dehumanize the system like that”.