In Austria, a doctor who had closed her practice after death threats from opponents of the Corona measures took her own life. The public prosecutor’s office in Wels confirmed a report by the “Upper Austrian News” on Friday.
Farewell letters were found, the content of which they did not want to say anything about, according to the public prosecutor. An autopsy will be waived.
The Austrian Minister of Health Johannes Rauch (Greens) was dismayed at the news of the doctor’s death. “Death threats against her and her staff were brutal reality. Hate against people is inexcusable. This hate has to stop,” he wrote on Twitter.
The doctor who works in Upper Austria recently closed her practice. On her website, she justified this step by saying that she had been receiving threatening letters “from the Covid measures opponents and vaccination opponents scene” for months and that she could no longer afford the costs for security measures. In one of the threatening letters, the author described how he could come to the practice to torture and kill the doctor and her staff.
The doctor had received police protection for a long time, but according to her own statements, she also spent around 100,000 euros on protective measures herself. The police are still investigating the threatening letters against unknown persons. The death of the woman does not change anything in these investigations, according to the public prosecutor’s office, one is still waiting for the final report from the police.