A waterproof camera, which has apparently filmed their own demise on the British coast and more than 800 miles across the sea to Germany is driven, in the case of Facebook, a small Hit. After probably two months in the North sea, the camera landed on the coast of Schleswig-Holstein on the Hallig Süderoog. The Finder, locate the owners.

The Gag: You know how the trip to England went off. An eleven-minute-long movie on the memory card shows a blurred picture of a beach holiday of a little boy on 1. By September 2017. Screenshot Facebook/Hallig Süderoog the owner of The camera is, apparently, a Boy from England. He had forgotten his camera on the beach.

Eventually, the child is more interested in his bucket of water as for the camera, which records the life from the ground, a few minutes from the beach, as you can see on the pictures. Then the flood comes and knocks the camera into the water. Minutes of the audience whirls through the under water world. Screenshot Facebook/Hallig Süderoog

residents on Süderoog find washed ashore camera

to find the boy, the two Hallig residents Nele Wree and Holger Spreer from Süderoog the Video to the Internet. More than 30,000 Times the movie was clicked.

English Maritime search and rescue have now discovered that the unknown Boy must have lost the camera in the Thornwick Bay near Flamborough Cliffs in East Yorkshire. With a Simulation expert, the distress line, Bremen were able to confirm that.

800 to 900 kilometres

placed Accordingly, the camera drive to the Southeast, then in a long curve towards the North-East to the height of Esbjerg in Denmark, and then South to Süderoog – overall, probably a distance of 800 to 900 kilometers. “Maybe the little Boy gets at the end-Yes, even his camera again,” said Holm-dwellers Spreer.

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In the FOCUS Online/Wochit An E-Mail announcing your package? Then you should the camera be careful Best offer on BestCheck.de praise/dpa Süderoog Schleswig-Holstein sea