Berlin is currently full of rainbows, after all, the Pride weekend with Dyke*March and the CSD parade is imminent. Every self-respecting ministry hoists the flag of the queer emancipation movement, for the first time even the Federal Chancellery.
But there are also really fine campaigns, which once again include the CSD idea of the BVG. If she has already decorated her trains and stops with rainbow colors in previous years or renamed her stations (“Gaysundbrunnen”), she is now offering a special “*icket” for July 23, the day of the CSD parade. It costs five euros and customers can choose to add a condom or wipes “for private use” (BVG press release). There are also stick-on tattoos. Of course, the queer person could now complain that he is once again being reduced to sex and that there are also free condoms on Christopher Street Day anyway. But hey guys, that’s a pretty funny idea! The ticket name alone with the gender asterisk – wonderful.
And isn’t it nice that we live in a city that also celebrates diversity in road traffic? The *icket can be bought at seven train stations – including Nollendorfplatz and Alex – as well as in the BVG customer centers. Maybe the vending machines should just stop after the Pride season to continue selling latex sheets and condoms. After all, safer sex is a good idea all year round – including for heterosexuals, of course.