The family, a lot of Belgians continue to be persistent, careless about their own safety and that of their children in the car is going. In one family of five, so give it up to the parents to the children are not locked in place.

in Spite of’s child restraint laws is still about 7% of the Belgians (1: 14), the seat belt does not or will not be done. This is evident from the large mobiliteitsenquĂȘte of the AG’s Insurance and a Trip to 1.514 Belgium. “It is appalling to note that 1 in 5 adults admits to his or her children are not safe in the car is turn off. There is still a lot of work to be done in terms of raising awareness of, and control,” says Danny Smagghe of Touring.

Age appears to have an important role to play under the age of 45 years, carries an average of less than 93% of the belt, with the exception of the 18 – to-24-year-olds), where only 87% of him to be consistently omgespt. Over the age of 55, in contrast, bears, as well as everyone else (97%) of the belt.

There are also notable regional differences: in the West – and East-Flanders, which is the best score, the number of gordeldragers at up to 95%. In the provinces of Namur, Liege, and Luxembourg, this falls to 90% or more. (AFTER)