the UK has objected to the assessment of the U.S. President, according to the terrorist militia “Islamic state” (IS) had been defeated in Syria. The IS was before and even without a territory to be a threat, according to a statement by the British foreign Ministry. There is in the fight against the IS still a lot to do, “and we must not lose sight of the threat he poses”.

Previously, the U.S. had announced government’s surprise withdrawal from Syria. You have already begun, soldiers from the country to be deducted, according to the White house on Wednesday. The United States had defeated the “territorial Caliphate” of the terrorist militia. This does not mean that the global coalition was terminated in the fight against the IS or your campaign. Now the next Phase of this operation is to begin.

In the night to Thursday, President Donald Trump defended the step. In a video message on Twitter he said: “We have won against the IS. Now it is time for our soldiers to come home.” You are a hero.

The television channel CNN reported, Trump had included in its decision, neither the foreign Minister, Mike Pompeo to the Minister of defense, James Mattis. Republican Senator Bob Corker is quoted as saying that the decision was for the government team a shock. The “New York Times” wrote that representatives of the Pentagon had tried to the last in vain, Trump of his decision to dissuade. Government representatives declared to Inquiries from journalists, the timetable for withdrawal will be developed. Also other questions they left unanswered.

The United States are at the forefront of an international coalition, which is fighting in Syria with the IS. In Syria, about 2000 US soldiers are stationed in officially troops to training and advising the Syrian Opposition.

the criticism from the USA – praise from Russia

criticism and lack of understanding on Trumps decision also comes from his own party. The IS is not defeated, wrote, for example, South Carolina’s Republican Senator Lindsey Graham – actually, a defender Trumps. A withdrawal of U.S. troops is a big “Obama is a moderate error,” and help the IS in its desire in the Region to re-expand.

The Republican Senator from Florida, Marco Rubio , spoke of a hasty withdrawal and a terrible mistake that will follow the country for years to come. The decision was against the advice of the military and will have serious consequences for the United States. Colorado’s Republican Senator Cory Gardner , called on Trump to his decision to move away.

Six Republican senators, including Graham and Rubio, appealed in a letter directly to Trump and asked him to reconsider his decision.

Also, Republicans in the house of representatives expressed concern and irritation. The front woman of the Democrats in the chamber, Nancy Pelosi , referred to it as premature to declare a victory over the IS and the US-troops from Syria to deduct.

Several security experts also spoke of a hasty and reckless step, of the games the still not defeated IS in the hands of the government of the Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad, Iran and Russia (more as to why a deduction should also Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is very responsive, you can find here).

From Moscow, however, there was praise for trump’s decision. A spokeswoman for the Russian foreign Ministry said according to media, now there is a real prospect for a political agreement. The American troops had been in Syria without a corresponding request of the Syrian government without a UN mandate.

Interpol Secretary General warns of second IS wave of terror

The Secretary-General of the international police organization Interpol, Jurgen Stock, said, meanwhile, on Wednesday in Paris, many countries worldwide could face a second wave of Islamist terror. “You could also call it Isis 2.0,” he said, and used “Isis” is an English abbreviation for the terrorist militia. The reason was that many of the convicted terrorist-supporters absäßen met in Europe, only a relatively short prison, because they had not been due to a specific attack convicted. “This Generation of the early supporters will be left in a few years.”

Many would be then hopefully in the company, said Stock. But prisons were still there – as is also recently in Strasbourg the terrorist attack, have seen a significant incubator for radical ideologies. In the case of the alleged assassins of Strasbourg, Chérif Chekatt, was noticed in the prison, that he had radicalized. If the IS was geographically defeated, would try these people either to move into other areas such as Southeast Asia or Africa, said floor. Possible but also that they remained in Europe to perpetrate attacks.
