As abroad, In Italy, have been in two accidents, three Belgians, has died. In the Alps and plunged with a couple who, together, metres to the bottom. The couple, both 76 years old, has survived, it is not. Another tragedy occurred in the southern part of Italy, near the city of Lecce. A car driver drove into a group of cyclists. A 60-year-old Belgian rider died a short time later at the hospital. The drivers driver, (36), was under the influence of cocaine.

The two senior citizens, were on Saturday found in Rassa, a small village close to the swiss border in the valley, Valsesia. Search and rescue team found their bodies lying within their business. They will, together with the fire brigade and the police, have been since Friday in search of the missing hikers.

The british couple was on Friday afternoon, was last seen as she enjoyed a spot of lunch at a local restaurant. When they are in the evening and returned home, joined the staff of the alarm condition.