Living room. One year prior to the opening of the world expo in Dubai, on October 20, 2020, are the works of the Belgian pavilion has begun. They also form the basis for the Green Ark, a long-term project of the Brussels and Assar Architects, and the Parisian designer Vincent Callebaut is being built by Besix.

are The Green Ark, a removable wooden arch, which rests on the two pillars, and the covering of as much as 10,000 native plants. Which store CO2, and the temperature 3 to 5 degrees lower. The pavilion will also have more energy than it consumes, and is composed of only recycled materials.

The building is located in a strategically strong position in a corner, right next to a bus stop and not far from the main train station and the metro. It consists of four floors, from a distance, to be visible. The visitors – estimated to be 15,000 per day and will be asked to walk around in the virtual and in Belgium by 2050, in which all who are actually a thing of the past.

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