

Bike traffic jam at the triangle radio tower

Drivers know it: they are stuck in traffic at the Dreieck Funkturm. On Sunday, tens of thousands of cyclists had the dubious pleasure. For...

Is practiced homophobia protected by freedom of religion?

Criminal proceedings are underway in Bremen that revolve around a relationship that has not yet been finally clarified: that of the church and homosexuality....

What Scholz can bring and why there is great displeasure in Kyiv

It is still unclear when Olaf Scholz will board the train to Ukraine. But the fact that he will do it after all is...

Volker Bruch triggers a rescue operation in Italy

With an evening hike, the German actor Volker Bruch ("Babylon Berlin") triggered a mountain rescue operation in Piedmont. The native of Munich, who lives...

The US is debating the wrong questions

The term “false balance” is untranslatable (what does “false balance” mean?) and means that too much importance is given to a small, noisy group;...

The games for more respect and recognition can begin

This coming Sunday, for once, it is not 1. FC Union that is causing emotions in the An der Alten Försterei stadium. The opening...

Sabine Lisicki is eliminated in the qualification

The Berliner Sabine Lisicki missed the leap into the main draw at the lawn tournament in Berlin. The former Wimbledon finalist lost in straight...

Busy on the trains, but traffic is stable

According to Deutsche Bahn, there was a lot going on on the second weekend with a 9-euro ticket, but train traffic was stable. "We...

When the lights sway in Neukölln

There's always something in Berlin, and this weekend there was an earthquake. EARTHQUAKE? Even those who are otherwise shocked are amazed. The message originated...

The CDU supports Steinmeier’s push for compulsory service

The Federal President is convinced of the concept. You help citizens in emergencies, get out of your own bubble, strengthen public spirit: Frank-Walter Steinmeier...


clear sky
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