Wevelgem, In a house along the Nachtegaalstraat in Wevelgem is a Tuesday, a 36-year-old woman to the stake. The alleged perpetrator was the former boyfriend of the child’s best interests. The man was found this morning along with his lawyer to the police station. Four months ago, it was on the same street even though in a court of the incident, in which a man was killed.

the Family members of the victims say that the woman’s two-month siege by the alleged perpetrator of the offenses. That threatened her several times to death. Out of fear, for him, was staying with the woman for quite some time at the home of her mother. There popped up this morning is the culprit. The man in question has a criminal past. In the past few weeks, with the alleged perpetrator, along with a large butcher knife. He has caused damage to the house, where the woman was staying. The man is destroyed by a brother-in-law of the victim as well as a picture window. The police picked him up, but after questioning, he was allowed to once again have access. The offences took place in the Nachtegaalstraat, in Wevelgem, four months ago, a crazy man lost his life when he was a cop attacked with a screwdriver. A co-worker of the injured police officer fired a deadly bullet finished.