Angelika B. lives in Bavaria. She got to the office clerk, “at the time, an honorable profession,” as she emphasized. The Job she held for ten years, then you switched to the service force in the hospitality industry. After 20 years, the health not made. In 2007, Mrs. B. disability to apply for a pension – in the amount of 610 euros per month.


mine Because you lived for rent and only a little life remained, had to Angelika B. reduce your costs radically. “I cancelled all the insurance up to the liability. Also network my landline I had to give up.“ Angelika B. communicates today via phone, with the Sim Card, no fixed monthly costs. “I had to underline what was absolutely necessary,” she says, summing up.

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Today, the rent eats up almost half of their pension

thanks to the pension of the past few years increases a woman B. now receives a monthly 731 Euro. Your rent will cost 350 Euro, so that half of the money away is almost. As a further regular cost calls € 40 for electricity, as well as your liability insurance. As the only luxury Mrs B. having a small car, insurance and taxes cost per month 65 Euro. For medicines, you must pay up to two per cent of their pension, so these are more just under 15 Euro in the month. And one more thing comes to this: As an honest citizen, you pay the broadcasting contribution fee – 17,50 Euro. “To me, 150 to 200 Euro a month to live on.” After the age asked about Mrs B., but your rent is too low. New Service on FOCUS Online FOCUS Online

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But the Board at the place of residence helps her to come up with your money just to make ends meet. Mrs. B. you perceive it as demeaning. “Once the week I’m there and can then shop for a Euro. It is still shameful when I go there. But I’m glad that there is the panel. There are also many other pensioners are”, summarizes Mrs. B. their experiences. She feels left behind: “Since you have worked for 30 years, his taxes paid, then you get sick and can’t work any more. And with its own pension the once-a-Hartz-IV-level!”

< p > pensions-property, plant and barbeiterin advises: “try Poland”

In 2016, Angelika B. got in touch with the statutory pension insurance, she wanted to complain to the employees of their suffering. To their Surprise, they quickly made a appointment. However, what had to listen to it, brings you in a Rage. “The clerk has recommended to me, to Poland or Hungary to move. ‘Because you can live cheaper, you mean.” With the “advice” was Mrs. B. not do anything. The pension

improve social assistance: Who gets less than 424 Euro bond, can Supplement his income with social assistance to this sentence. In addition, needy pensioners living can apply for the money. How high of this goes down depends on the local rent. Contact the local social welfare office. All assets must be disclosed – including savings and private Pension provision. Only 5,000 of savings are allowed, the rest of the money will be credited to the social welfare. Of a part-time job 135 Euro to remain eligible.

part-time job: pensioners, who have exceeded the age limit (booth 2019: 65 years and 8 months) are allowed to earn as much as you want. However, you will not only have a tax benefit if you earn more than 450 Euro. Everything above that will be taxed at the personal tax rate, together with the pension. Who has not exceeded the age limit, you may not earn more than 450 Euro. Who earns more, must reckon with cuts in pensions.

But she has a family, and “I get sometimes a 100 Euro bill slipped,” she says happy. “The extra money helps me in some months to make ends meet.”

In the just-discussed basic pension Mrs. B. would empty

Angelika B. assume followed the discussion about Hubertus salvation proposal for the basic pension with interest, but is something bothering you on principle: it considers the proposed amount is too low, this was “humiliating,” as she says.

remember: the Federal Minister of labour Heil (SPD), calls his concept: Who has 35 years of contribution less than 896 Euro pension gross, receives a state award. But from the Increase by reason of retirement Mrs. B. would not benefit: salvation, the proposal requires a minimum of 35 years Pension insurance – you will not be able to create.

Mrs B. calls: officials should be in the pension Fund

Mrs B. Deposit complains that you’ll be treated to a life full of work, such as a “hunger leiderin”. In Austria, pensions are much higher because officials would have to pay into the System. With your claim is not Angelica B. alone. Verena Bentele, President of the social Association VdK, recommends a corresponding restructuring of the German pension system.

“Absolutely, the company pension scheme!”

But the political absence of majorities. Instead, Angelika B., has different advice: she puts today’s low-wage earners to do something for your retirement.

you’ve made as a waitress. “My drinking money on everyday expenses.” Pension contributions not paid for, according to money today. “No one had thought that the pensions are so bad,” regretted Mrs. B. your naiveté. She has saved a few Thousand euros, but the money has already been spent.

In the occupational pension, says Ms. B., was today much more than in your time. Your Council: Who could refrain, that the money is in the age almost should inform themselves and, accordingly, provisions for impairment losses.

So the company pension scheme

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In the FOCUS Online/Wochit West-pensioners, no-one: Of salvation, of the basic pension in Eastern Germany mbe company pension benefits, especially