Home Business Online trading: government should stop the sale of illegally imported electrical appliances

Online trading: government should stop the sale of illegally imported electrical appliances


In the case of Amazon and eBay, it is possible to buy illegally imported electric shaver or tooth brush. The environmental NGOs Deutsche umwelthilfe, Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, naturschutzbund Deutschland, Germanwatch and the German nature conservation ring are now demanding that retailers may only offer electric devices from manufacturers that have registered, as it is required by law.

sold Online some of the traders Were of a lower quality or with increased Pollutant. They paid the cost in addition, no disposal. The hot, consumers who bought in the case of duly registered distributors of your devices, would have to spend more for it. The customer could also ask no compensation – for example, if after a short circuit, a fire is emerging – if the provider data has no address in Germany.

differentiate legal and illegal offers

The environmental groups are calling on Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) and the Federal environment Minister, Svenja Schulze (SPD), to stop the activities of these online retailers are legally. “Legal and illegal deals of electrical equipment must be a clear distinction to be,” – said in an open letter to the associations.

Already a law against tax evasion on online selling platforms, which is to take effect in 2019 is planned. The environmental groups propose to use it as a model for a legal regime. The sales portals should only be able to offers a registered manufacturer. The dealer would specify the registration number of the manufacturer on the product website, as well as a German address.

online shops, which can tolerate the supply of illegal imported electrical appliances should legally take the place of the merchant, and the appropriate fines to pay, is the proposal. As a result, consumers, public authorities and interested competitors may assert in the future against the law action or damages, violations, explain the associations.