"Zigzag" and other most terrible gang in time of war

Crime 15/12/19 “zigzag” and other most terrible gang in time of war

While the Red Army was at the front of the war against the Wehrmacht in the rear of the Soviet people were not bothered by bandits. In an atmosphere of confusion and weakened local law enforcement (police and the NKVD were forced to give the best employees and equipment to the troops) it has become easier to find a weapon and escape from the law. Shortage, rising prices and insecurity of citizens has led to the fact that the bandits became impudent and chased profit, despite challenging for the country. Already in 1941 the USSR had been a significant increase in crime – there were more and more burglaries, street robberies and murders, falsified documents and food cards. Some thugs have created a criminal gang, “famous for” its criminal “exploits”. The composition of the gangs were replenished by the draft Dodgers and deserters who were unwilling to die for their country.


for Example, a gang of “zigzag” (minimum 12 people) was deprived of sleep and rest law enforcement officers of the Leningrad blockade. Bandits 1941, he committed fraud with food and murder. Criminals have made contact with German intelligence, and took in the group of employees of the trade and stole the city’s total more than 17 tons of food. Gang leader Vitaly Kosharny, the criminal with the experience, sitting for forgery for forgery and began to work with Germans – they have got high-end typographic fonts. Instead, he printed German propaganda leaflets. Fake cards “zigzag” received all products that were delivered to the city. Of course, they not only feasted, but also sold food for a lot of money. In the course of their crimes they killed a policeman. But in the end was captured and brought to justice. All bandits, including part of the gang of women, was shot on 30 June 1942

Graver Gerasim Okunev

Another fan to fake ration cards, Gerasim Okunev, onappeared in Moscow. 45-year-old engineer of the defense plant moved from Chelyabinsk, where he stole the font, and then organized an underground printing press. Okunev and his wife printed all cards, badges, documents. Obtained by criminal means products they sold on the black market. In fact, was the son Okuneva. He was stealing factory tools. The gang consisted of several friends and colleagues of the engineer, who had through his work, access to necessary supplies. And all long this lasted, but one day the wife Okuneva was seen. The Director of the store where she always shopped, accidentally saw it in another store, which was quite far from his own. He reported it to the police. After verification, the gang was discovered and in February 1944, Okunev and his partner Ganiev was shot. His wife and children was sent to prison.


In Samara (then Kuibyshev) was operating a gang of 9 criminals, all at the age of 17-20 years. It was headed by 20-year-old Vasily Agrafenin. The bandits robbed not less than 20 apartments, killed and raped their victims, stopped people on the streets and emptied their pockets. Sometimes they are using a fake identity and pretended to be employees of the NKVD, sometimes by other Soviet officials. When they are finally found, the criminals resisted and killed a policeman. Vaska Agrafenin was killed, one bandit was wounded and sent to prison.

the Gang of Hassan Israilov

the Gang of Hassan Israilov in Chechnya and Ingushetia acted under the pretext of fighting against the Communists and included 14 people. They provoke others to RAID and rioted, not to pay taxes, not to go into the army, to attack Soviet troops. That’s why their actions are referred to as “the revolt of Israilov”. Later, realizing the futility of struggle, Israilov began to cooperate with the NKVD. He gave his comrades, and those eliminated. At the same time he was forced to participate in the actual attacks on the police and troops. 25 DECAber in a shootout with soldiers of internal troops Israilov was shot. The unrest in the region continued until the mid-1950s.

a Gang of Pavlov in Yakutia

her Head was a 50-year-old Evenk, Egor Pavlov, before the war, the Chairman of collective farm. “The 18th party Conference” and member of the Communist party. In August 1942, the farmers began to flee, among them were fishermen who knew how to live in the forest. There they hid their families, and themselves United to the robbery and made several raids on the camp, the local herder, the store and mine are Cool, and the food warehouse. Soon they began to plunder all the neighbouring mines, killing those who resisted. The gang was operating six months – in February 1943, the NKVD neutralized bandits. They “passed” a militia of local hunters. By this time the group consisted of 29 people who were arrested after a long chase through the woods and shooting. In the course of this battle, Pavlov was wounded, tried to escape and soon died. Killed another three gangsters and the wife of Pavlov. Characteristically, the pavlovians were going to continue their criminal activities under the guise of struggle against the Soviet power.
Such gangs during the war were many. The crime rate grew throughout the war and began to decline only in 1945 (10% in the first half), when the police began to return from the front.

Konstantin Dmitriev

© Russian Seven

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