Where are you going? The driver of the Honda CR-V was hit by an inconspicuous biker, who was traveling in the aisle. Look and identify the culprit

Heading “Where you going?” is dealing with another accident involving a biker in this season. For the Bolshevik, the driver of the crossover left turn did not see the motorcyclist making their way through the traffic jam in the aisle. As a result of the collision, though not strong. Who is to blame — Wpodrobnee in the material Dmitry Kosenko.

crossing the street and the Bolshevik rise to the October bridge from the bus station. The cars in the center at the intersection are in four-lane traffic between them with left-turning cars make their way that want to climb the bridge. The driver of the Honda CR-V, probably at the last moment notices the motorcyclist who is moving to the right of the right end of the strip — there is a slight collision, watch the video.