History 30/01/20 What became of the Russian players who lost with the largest score in the history
the Football team of the Russian Empire debuted at the Olympic games in Stockholm in 1912, where he suffered a devastating defeat against team Germany with the score 0:16. This score remains the biggest in football history until now. Included in the delegation of newsboys, who watched the match, spitting game compatriots and then smashed them in his notes.
“Silent running Russian players, slow tactics, if at all it was in Russian, allowed Germany to score goal after goal, stormed the press. — Our best players were not at all noticeable. Past them, rolled the ball, drove around and around, and they could not take the ball or prevent the pass. Here especially it was clear to see the value of running the football. Our defense could not catch any escaped forward, I could strip off the transmission, and the goals have been pouring in”.
the Main drawback of the Russian team reporters admitted, “its complete lack of understanding”, and players called “children in football”. The share of first generation domestic internationals fell out of the ordeal. Most had experienced two big wars and many small ones. A few players subsequently died at the hands of the Germans in the war.
the Monarchist-counterintelligence
Previously all put their head Grigory Nikitin. In 1910 he was considered one of the most skilful players in the domestic football, but has played for the national team only twice. The historic match against the Germans left forward idle ran off with the British in August 1911 in St. Petersburg (0:11). This game is officially considered the first ever for the Russian team. The injury and a torn tank top Nikitin was not allowed to meet until the end. In 1917, the footballer was killed at the front. He was 28 years old.
Defender Peter Sokolov had a habit before you kick the ball to spit on the ground, for which he received the partners and supporters the nickname “Peter, come.” The son of a councillor of state, he did not accept Soviet power, moved to the whites and proved to be in counterintelligence. An ardent monarchist, resigned to a violent change of the political system, the falcons were forced to leave the country and identified agents of the OGPU among the Russian emigration in Finland, was an active member of the Russian military Union, the largest military-political organization of the whites.
During the Soviet-Finnish war Sokolov had served in the propaganda Department of the Main staff of the army Carl Mannerheim, urging his supporters and prisoners of war rise against Bolshevism. Before the age of 80 years, in 1971, he departed to another world in Sweden, where he moved in the end of the world because of the threat to be captured by SMERSH.
a Descendant of Livonian knights
Nikita Khromov newsboys celebrated a gentleman’s style of play, putting in the merit of the midfielder that he is for his entire career, never injured an opponent. The midfielder was called one of the founders of the first large-scale soccer tournament in Russia, which in 1914 was attended by factory workers. He Khromov popularized the game with the ball at the Putilov, a team which played during the entire war period. The competition of the proletarians was new to the capital of the Empire. But if at first the management of the plant looked quite favorably on the hobby, then at some moment the smoke cleared and it turned out that under cover fees for matches among the workers in full carried out revolutionary propaganda. Football corny was used to disguise political propaganda.
After the Civil war Khromov moved to the South, where the Soviet Union played for the club from Taganrog and Rostov-on-don, where he died in 1934.
Fyodor Rimsha, Alex Uverskie, Sergey Filippov and Mikhail Yakovlev died in besieged Leningrad in 1942. The first came from an ancient noble family, Dating back to the knights of the Livonian order and was the grandson of a major industrialist. Second, in addition to football, seriously was engaged in Boxing and had in this field substantial progress. In sporting circles Uverskie called Sirkeci – named toured in Russia, the Japanese fighter professional. The player, as noted by contemporaries, was very similar to it.
Striker Mikhail Smirnov called the fastest player and the hockey player Moscow. One newspaper gave him at that time very flattering description: “Player is decent, plays for a long time, the best runner and football player, has a decent pass plays the last time the well head, a well-hits a corner. A special technique is different”.
After 1914 traces Smirnova lost. It is only known that he died in 1957.
the Professor at the gate
About the Lion of Tabor today would have said – the goalkeeper is a disaster. To get the ball from him had to do with enviable regularity: in the four matches in 1912, he did it 29 times.
Tabor was not high. With the growth of 174 cm hardly be allowed to “frame” in our time. However, for his age he was still considered out of competition. Tabor is different from confident in the way that he was not trying to beat the balls flying into the goal, and tried to catch them. At first the audience greeted this innovation with a whistle, but eventually appreciated. Many colleagues have followed his example. Tabor confidently kept their possession of “the castle” and was recognized as the best goalkeeper of Moscow.
of Course, the ill-fated game against the Germans at the Olympics absolutely knocked the 19-year-old guard gate off. Nobody missed him more than 90 minutes either before or especially after. What happened that day in the career of a goalkeeper’s horror succinctly described one of the witnesses of the worst match in the history of Russian football: “the Goalkeeper Tabor did not beat any top of the ball, it’s like it never was in the gate.”
11 days later the goalkeeper of the Empire received a serious knee injury in the battle with the Hungarians (0:9) and left football. Not being able to realize the dream in sports, Tabor went into science – and very good. Not only was he able to graduate from the physics and mathematics faculty of Moscow University, but also to achieve the title of doctor of chemical Sciences. Through the years, Tabor worked at the Department of chemistry all-Union industrial Academy of light industry and the Moscow polygraphic Institute. He would have achieved such heights, stay in football, is the big question. The life of the first goalkeeper of the national team turned out to be bright and saturated. It was not in 1969, when he was preparing to hang up the gloves Lev Yashin.
Double-captive captain
the Captain of the team, Vasily Butusov, as well as any of the lyrical hero, was destined, full of tragedy. In the opening game of the Olympic tournament in Stockholm, one of the six famous football brothers scored the first official goal in the history of Russia.
“Russia has been playing the game more in attack, but unplayed and the attack and defense allow Finnish to score a goal. After that Smirnov gives a very good passing center, and Butusov brings the ball over his goal,” wrote the Patriotic correspondent. The effort though was remarkable, and, in the end proved futile: in the end the team of Finland scored the second goal, sending the Russian Empire in the consolation competition.
With the outbreak of world Butusova was drafted into the Russian Imperial army as a motorcyclist. More recently, battling against the defenders of team Germany, he now came to the Germans in captivity, from which, however, he was released. In 1919 the famous footballer has mobilized into the Red army. With the whites he was not fighting, Butusova used for military field construction. After the Civil war, he was a few years “popiol” in Soviet football and at the same time gain experience as a judge, becoming one of the best representatives of this profession in the country.
From 1930 to Butusov showed interest in the KGB. He was arrested by the OGPU, spent a year at the Shpalernaya prison in Leningrad on the high-profile case of the industrial party, but was not convicted. At the beginning of the great Patriotic athlete for the second time plenile the Germans. Almost the entire war he spent in the camps, where he was liberated by the Americans.
Butusov – one of two centenarians, the first Olympic team of Russia. Despite all the mishaps, the offense from the law enforcement agencies of their own country, he lived until 1971, as well-fed falcons in Sweden. Remaining in the Soviet Union, scorer, however, was a year younger than the defender-the emigrant.
the author of the second Russian goal, and the Norwegians (1:2), Vasily Gitari, realized himself as a sports functionary. In 1923-1924, he became the first captain just created Dynamo Moscow, then worked as a Director of the first stadium of the same name, was subsequently held various managerial positions at the Moscow sports facilities. Getarea buried in the capital in 1961.
Okunev Dmitry
© Russian Seven
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