Another 23/12/19 That was “hazing” in the Russian army after the change of life
the transfer of the army on 1 year of service, the generals assured that both will be able to completely eradicate “bullying”. However, this did not happen. Now over the soldiers bullied not the ones who last longer, while those who are stronger.
What is “bullying”
According to officers, there is no “bullying”, but there is “hazing”. Scientists define this phenomenon as “destructive military subculture of the closed type” with a clear distribution of roles. The highest status in traditional informal hierarchy had “grandfathers” or old-timers, followed by a few more categories with different service life. The object of humiliation and physical violence were “spirits” — recruits. For the first time about hazing openly talking in the era of perestroika, and she came 2 decades before. Counting from 1967, when it replaced the 3 year service came 2-year-old.
“Their dissatisfaction with this state of Affairs the soldiers, dolivaya last year, splashed out on new recruits. Impetus was given to the recruits of the call, remembering the attitude of the “old hands” in turn played on the “young” – and the system of hazing has earned, gradually gaining momentum”, — said Vladimir Savchenko from the Military University of the defense Ministry.
the heyday of the “hazing” occurred in the 90-ies, when the situation in the Russian army has become much more complicated in connection with underfunding of the. These times include, for example, the incident in part 3419 in Balashikha. Three “grandfathers” took off on Amateur camera his abuse of 34-mja colleagues. The guilty bear criminal liability only because the record aired TV program “top secret”. It is difficult to imagine how many of similar cases, which has not been removed and which was subsequently silent as torturers and victims.
“Bullying” today.
AbbrAmenia 2 times service life in 2008 did not completely eradicate hazing in the armed forces. The fact that the army, according to scientists – the “total organization,” the overwhelming human freedom. Venting anger on the weak, dominant personality thus “compensate” the fact that they themselves are forced to obey the command.
In the article a sociologist Ruslan Almukhametov the results of the survey conducted in 2011 and 2013 in the military unit No “B” in Omsk. In 2011, there were faces with the difference in the appeal in six months. Ie, instead of “ancestors”, the traditional slang, near the recruits were “elephants”. Despite the small difference in lifespan, they still dominated the conscripts, forced to serve them, and sometimes beat (beating reported by 6.5% of respondents).
In 2013, parts were only the soldiers of one period of the appeal. The situation with the “bullying” has changed for the better – the beatings were only mentioned in 1% of the responses, although respondents had more than two years earlier. However, the problem has not disappeared.
“a Resource for informal dominance among colleagues became a physical force, character and Patriotic regard. Severe forms of physical pressure (of rest deprivation, beatings) have become more latent (exhausting izpodlobya, fees from money orders and parcels),” says the’mukhametov.
No category did the old-timers are out of date view of “bullying” as a kind of analogue of male initiation. Now in the hazing there is no element of mentoring. To a greater extent the existing forms of domination similar to the orders in the criminal communities with an unconditional “right of the strong”. If in earlier times, the rookie could even justify what is happening, hoping that he will “break away” on the “rookies”, rising to “grandfather”, now the only “light at the end of the tunnel” – dembel.
however, “bullying”, according to Internet users that have passed the army, gone wasü only 20-30% of the parts. And the larger the part, the more strictly it complied with the Statute. Nightly bodily inspection of bruises and abrasions, and violators of discipline threatens the guardhouse. However, exaggerated “ustavschina”, as noted by who served, is worse than “bullying”.
Timur Sagdiyev
© Russian Seven
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