TV’s Mark Man was twenty years old when, in 2011, Ghana began to walk. She became seriously ill and died, never to return. In ‘Forever Young’, she has to see her parents for the first time since the draw. They are going on a visit to the doctor, that will Mark the last descriptor. Due to infrastructure problems, he could not do anything. To date, these problems have not been solved yet.
from the first episode of ‘Forever Young’ is what Georges (63), and Nicole, along with a host of Frances Lefebure, for the first time since the death of Mark to accra, Ghana, to and fro. The gay man in his twenties was eight years ago to work as a volunteer in a children’s home. If they are repeatedly ill, the doctors thought the malaria was, while she was actually suffering from a severe gastro-intestinal infection. Mark was given the wrong medication to be administered, and when, after a while, the night really sick woke up in the hospital, no phone to get a kidney to run it. Mark was over to the Ghanaian capital of Accra, but they all died at the dialysis room of a military hospital. There was no help avail.