Tag: expert
The fifth part of the Novosibirsk companies plan bankruptcy due coronavirus: experts forecast
The final result of the closure of companies will be visible by the end of 2020
“I do not deduce”: experts expect an avalanche of bankruptcies due to the fall...
The lawyer told how to change the situation in the country and what to do if can't pay loans
Breakthrough in urology: pain, stones and tumours can not be afraid — the expert...
Physicians can cope with even the most difficult and unpleasant illnesses, therapy is painless and gentle
What will happen to Michael Ephraim in a drunken accident? Answers expert
Article for drunk driving accidents were tightened last year, and now the punishment close to the time for the murder
Experts told why to undergo MRI examination at different places — not best idea
Treatment depends on the quality of equipment and professionalism of doctors
Extend the self-isolation in Novosibirsk until the end of summer? Experts forecast
What will be more important: reducing social tensions or the fight against the pandemic? Meet the scientists