Tag: disable

An end to the outages of hot water? Energy told about the results of hydraulic testing

An end to the outages of hot water? Energy told about the results of...

Tests of heating systems have shown that defects became more large main pipes.
In 138 houses of Novosibirsk turned off the hot water — we tell, on what streets and in what time period

In 138 houses of Novosibirsk turned off the hot water — we tell, on...

The trip began due to the reconstruction of a heating main
SK started the investigation after the publication of the NHS about a large family, whose house was disconnected from electricity

SK started the investigation after the publication of the NHS about a large family,...

The Board of the horticultural society, accused the family of failing to pay for electricity in the amount of one million rubles
How was it possible to turn off the heating early in your building (come in handy next time)

How was it possible to turn off the heating early in your building (come...

We prepared a guide with the action plan


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Top 25 Movies on Apple TV+ for Great Entertainment

In a sea of streaming services, Apple TV+ has emerged as a hidden gem for movie lovers, offering a diverse selection of films that...