Suicide note writer Alexander Fadeev: what frightened the Soviet authorities

History 07/02/20 Suicide note writer Alexander Fadeev: what frightened the authorities of the USSR

the Famous Soviet writer Alexander Fadeyev committed suicide may 13, 1956. Apparently, to leave this life Fadeev carefully prepared. At least the writer left a suicide note, addressed to the Central Committee of the CPSU. In addition, a few months before that Secretary Fadeeva Valeriya Saragani witnessed a “dress rehearsal” of suicide. And then Alexander also wrote a dying message.

Death and detection of the letter

Alexander Fadeev voluntarily died may 13, 1956. Writes Zoya Bogomolova, author of the book “River of destiny”, at that moment the writer was on his dacha in Peredelkino together with his 11-year-old son Michael. A boy and found the body of his father, when about 15 hours I went to his office to call for dinner. Fadeeva wife, the actress angelina Stepanova, at this point, was out of town. Upon learning of the tragedy, to the country among the first rushed writers Alexei Surkov and Yevgeny Dolmatovsky. In addition to them arrived in Peredelkino KGB General Painters, as well as his Deputy and head of 4-th management Philip Bobkov.

All at once struck by the atmosphere in the room: Fadeev was lying on the bed, his clothes were neatly folded on a chair, and beside the bedside table was a letter addressed to the Central Committee of the CPSU. At least it was so described by the witnesses, the words of which is given in the book by L. F. Kiseleva “Alexander Fadeev in the memoirs of contemporaries”, that they had to witness that day. By the way, as claimed by Bobkov, who for many years was “in charge” of the Soviet intelligentsia, General Painters were going to read the suicide letter Fadeeva, but he faced the Deputy. Bobkov assured that the message has not been dissected, and it was delivered the staff party, for which was intended.

“Classified,” and another thing lasthardware

it is Worth noting that the content of the suicide letter of Alexander Fadeyev, says Leonid Mlechin, it was kept secret for 30 years. Therefore, the fact that it told the writer, the General public was unknown. To everyone except employees of the Central Committee, as well as writers Surkov, Sholokhov, Tvardovsky, Simon, the message remained a mystery. A mysterious letter excited the then intellectuals. Lily Chukovskaya, the author of the book “Notes on Anna Akhmatova”, argued that in the literary environment it was even rumoured that no letter at all.

However, those who knew Fadeeva, in the presence of the message is not doubted. Yes, and attending Fadeeva thoughts, too, must have known. The more that Leonid Mlechin, in his book “Famous suicides” writes that Valery Sarhani, a Secretary and a relative of Alexander Fadeev, told me that a few months before the suicide, the writer was also going to commit suicide and also left a note. However, the contents of the note Saragani he couldn’t remember, but was assured that it was “bad”.

the Accusations against the party

meanwhile, a second letter of Alexander Fadeev “good” power is also not considered. In his dying message, the text of which is given, in particular, and in the book Gennady Prashkevich “the Most famous poets of Russia”, Fadeev has complained about the party, in his opinion, who killed literature. “I see no possibility to continue to live as art, to whom I gave his life, ruined arrogant-ignorant leadership of the party and now can’t be fixed” – lamented Alexander. Says Lev Lurie, author of the publication “1956: the mid-century,” Fadeev “I thought that was on duty and was guarding the outhouse”.

Many who have faced Fadeyev in the last years of his life, could not guess the motives for his act and especially about the contents of his letter to the Central Committee. That would take at Korney Chukovsky. According to the author of the book “GLavna mystery of gorlan-leader. Gone himself” Edward Filatiev, in the day of the suicide Fadeev Chukovsky wrote in his diary: “All this nonsense of the Stalinist era, all its idiotic nonsense, all its terrible bureaucracy… He (a Professor) tried to combine humanity with getaudioactive. Hence the zigzags of his behavior, hence his tortured conscience.”

Yulia Popova

© Russian Seven

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