About two and a half months after the discovery of a child’s corpse in the Danube, the police still have no hot lead to a possible perpetrator. The identity of the boy is still unclear.
According to current knowledge, it is about a four to six-year-old preschool child.
According to the Ingolstadt police headquarters, numerous cases of missing persons are still being investigated at home and abroad in order to obtain a clue to the dead child. “There are currently over 100 cases of missing persons in this context being investigated across Germany,” police spokesman Michael Graf reported to the German Press Agency.
In the cases from neighboring countries, the authorities there clarified whether there could be a connection. So far, however, no relevant case from abroad has been forwarded to the investigators in Ingolstadt.
On May 19, a canoeist discovered the boy’s body in the river near Vohburg in Upper Bavaria. The dead child was wrapped up and had been in the water for a long time.
Several searches by the police on the bank and in the Danube with special technology and search dogs were unsuccessful.
It is assumed that the body was thrown into the river between Ingolstadt and Vohburg in the area between two barrages. It could even be that the dead child was thrown off a bridge on the busy Autobahn 9.
In the relevant section of the river, officials had already asked walkers, cyclists and water sports enthusiasts at the end of May and the beginning of June whether they noticed anything. The police now want to put up wanted posters in the area with a call for witnesses.