Operation "Atrina": 5 Soviet submarines scared the US

History 30/12/19 Operation “Atrina”: 5 Soviet submarines scared the United States

In 1987, the Cold war had already gone down in history, but the confrontation of Soviet and American military continued. Held at the time military-sea operation “Atrina” to this day is admired by experts. According to them, the Russian sailors opened anti-submarine defence of NATO “like a tin can”.

From Murmansk to Louisiana

In March 1987, five nuclear submarines of the Northern fleet, one after another began to move in the Barents sea. It was a submarine of the 33rd division of nuclear submarines — K-299, K-255, K-244, K-298 K-524. He commanded a detachment of captain 1st rank Anatoly Shevchenko.

the column of the Soviet nuclear submarines watched NATO group consisting of air, surface and submarine anti-submarine equipment. At first, while the submarine was moving along Scandinavia, everything was standard, and the NATO troops thought that the Russian will go one of two ways — either via Iceland and Greenland, or near Faroe and Shetland Islands. But suddenly members of the “Trini” again lost to enemy monitors. The amazement of the Americans and the British knew no bounds. A potential enemy is thrown on search of the Soviet submarine patrol aircraft, were involved in the satellite constellation. Day after day of anti-NATO forces were combing the waters of the Atlantic with the help of sonars and radars, but the Russian submarine eluded them.

after Going through unusually warm Sargasso sea and overcome the threat to submarine accumulations of algae, the Soviet submarine came to the East coast of the USA. Some of them were in the South, near New Orleans. About the potential dangers, the Pentagon told President Ronald Reagan, and along the American shores and scoured six “hunters” — nuclear submarines of the type Los Angeles.

As it was originally conceived by Admiral Grigory Bondarenko and Jevgenijs VT Volobuev, withovetsky sailors demonstrated the ability to slip in unnoticed, “under the nose” of the Americans. This was of great strategic importance in the event of a thermonuclear conflict, the American city was virtually unprotected against missile attacks from Soviet submarines.

According to Admiral Vladimir chernavina, which in 1987 was the commander of the Navy, the success of this “little battle of the Atlantic” has restored the international prestige of the domestic fleet. In addition, it had a positive impact on the psychological state of Russian submariners experiencing because of the death in 1986, the strategic nuclear submarine K-219. “Incidentally,” the Russian managed to scout out a shipping situation in those parts of the Atlantic ocean, which until then had “white spots” on Soviet maps of enemy activity.

the Secret “Trini”

to Achieve America’s Soviet submariners managed primarily by eliminating the usual routes passing through the North Atlantic, where they have long been able to detect and escort anti-submarine forces of NATO.

There is also a view that the greater role played by the use of sonar consoles “Ritsa” placed at the disposal of the Soviet Navy in 1986. The device was activated a new algorithms for the analysis of the acoustic spectrum of submarines.

“Ritsa” was allowed to control the maximum distance between the submarines of the veil. Thus, all five boats participating in operation “Atrina”, could form a “comb” for combing the Atlantic with a length of 500 miles. And most importantly, the American protivolodochnyi, not believing in the distance between Russian submarines, would in vain searched for them under the old schemes,” wrote a former submariner, writer-the marine painter Nikolai Cherkashin.

However, the operation “Atrina” has not gone completely smoothly. When the Soviet submarines were already back, one of them was discovered. We add that, according to the American version of events they previously had an idea of where the Russians are, although this had razvredo powerful group tracking. Despite the persecution, all five submarines in may 1987 they returned to the base of the West Face in the Murmansk region. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the same operations are no longer conducted.

Timur Sagdiyev

© Russian Seven

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