08.06.2022, Türkei, Ankara: Sergej Lawrow, Außenminister von Russland, spricht während einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit seinem türkischen Amtskollegen Cavusoglu. Bei dem Besuch Lawrows in die Türkei geht es unter anderem um die Sicherung von Weizenexporten aus der Ukraine und die Errichtung eines Sicherheitskorridors auf dem Schwarzen Meer gehen. Foto: Burhan Ozbilici/AP/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has accused the European Union and NATO of joining forces in a war against Russia.

“We are under no illusions that the EU’s current anti-Russian bias will somehow dissipate or change in the foreseeable future and – to be honest – also in the long term,” Lavrov said on Friday during a visit to the former Soviet republic of Azerbaijan.

According to a report by the Ria Nowosti agency, he also pointed out that Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler had gathered other European countries to attack the Soviet Union at the beginning of World War II.

Lavrov added: “Now the EU, together with NATO, is building such a modern coalition for a fight and ultimately for a war against the Russian Federation. We will monitor all this very carefully.”