05.07.2022, Berlin: Robert Habeck (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, gibt eine Pressekonferenz zur Novelle des Energiesicherungsgesetzes. Die Novelle des Energiesicherungsgesetzes befindet sich aktuell im schriftlichen Kabinettumlaufverfahren und soll kurzfristig beschlossen werden. Ziel der Novelle ist es, dass sich die Bundesregierung weiter für eine Zuspitzung der Energiekrise wappnet und den Instrumentenkasten füllt, um die Vorsorge weiter zu stärken. Foto: Kay Nietfeld/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

According to Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens), the federal government will use all means to ensure the gas supply in Germany. When asked about a possible collapse of the market, Habeck said on Wednesday evening in the ZDF program “Markus Lanz” that that would not happen.

“Now this is this ‘whatever it takes’ moment, it’s not going to happen,” he said, echoing statements by former European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi. The Italian had once promised to save the euro with this “whatever is necessary”.

With a view to an imminent total failure of Russian gas supplies, Habeck emphasized: “We are not just passive. We don’t have to stand by in amazement at what’s happening there.” After all, it was also possible to maintain security of supply in Germany despite a 60 percent reduction in gas supplies.

However, citizens would have to be prepared for an expensive winter. The price increases in autumn and winter 2022/23 would be “in the four-digit range per household. And that can also be a monthly income for a family.” In the opinion of the Green politician, saving remains the order of the day.

In order to save gas in view of the throttling of Russian deliveries, less gas is to be used to produce electricity – instead, more coal-fired power plants are to be used again.