The speed limit for cyclists is still 10 on Bergmannstrasse in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The capital’s administrative court decided this in an urgent procedure, as a spokesman announced on Monday.
The restriction to a speed of 10 kilometers per hour is right for safety reasons, it said. The court pointed out that there had been a total of 14 bicycle accidents in the most well-known street in the Bergmannkiez between 2018 and 2020, with twelve minor and two serious injuries. The situation is characterized by a “particularly high density of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists”.
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A man who, according to his own statements, regularly crosses Bergmannstrasse by bicycle on the way between his work and his place of residence complained. In July 2021, the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district office ordered the establishment of a one-way street and a bicycle street.
From the cyclist’s point of view, there is no risk situation that justifies the speed limit, the court said. In addition, no cyclist adheres to it.
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