History 11/01/20 For that awarded funeral team of the red Army
Any war associated with death and the Second world especially. Courage and incredible strength of spirit – the first adjectives that come to mind when we remember the veterans of the great Patriotic war. But was among those who fought in the war and those who did not hold the rifle in his hands, has not fainted at the bench in the rear, not tried to lead the line up front, but they all deeply feel the horrors of war – the funeral team.
Funeral team
the Huge human losses have led to the need for continuous and timely disposal. In 41-42 years, the Red army retreated, so the burial of the dead, no one remembered, order No. 138 of March 15, 1941 “burial” remained stillborn. Even when the Soviet soldiers started to win territory, all those honors and complicated procedure of burial, which were provided by the order were not respected.
you can Afford to have a large funeral army troops could not, so they always saw a catastrophic shortage of hands. This is clearly evidenced by the work “Life, or you dreamed of me…” by Vladimir Bogomolov and the memoirs of Konstantin Somov “War: Fast life.”
Insufficient equipment (e.g., means of protection of respiratory organs from cadaveric stench was not), a huge amount of burials (often a team of 4-6 people buried a day to 200 corpses) did the work of burial teams very difficult. Despite this, they almost did not get awards.
the Awarding ceremony of “the undertaker”
Medals and orders was not only to perpetuate the memory of the heroism of man, but to show by example. For this reason, the burial teams are almost never awarded. The Soviet leadership did not think that this hard work is worthy of awards. Often even the soldiers themselves rather unflattering spoke about them that tieANO mainly with the frequent cases of looting among the “undertaker”.
Famous Russian search Sergey machinsky in “the Debt. Funeral team” tells the story of one veteran who served in the funeral team. After the war, on his chest sported only one medal “For courage”. And this is probably the exception to the rule, such as the award to the members of the burial teams were awarded very rarely.
the Procedure
Before the great Patriotic war orders and medals were awarded extremely rare, so any such case was handled by the Supreme Council. As in times of war heroism was “widespread and commonplace”, the responsibility shifted to the shoulders of the commanders who were supposed to keep records awarded with the subsequent transfer of this information to the authorities.
unlike modern statutes, the military documents of those years said almost nothing about the order of ceremony. In fact, the condition was only one: the award was given by the commander in the presence of military units in which he served the soldiers.
Often even these rules are partially disregarded, for example, among all co-workers in the ranks could be only 3 people, including the award – wartime was not always possible to adhere to formal requirements.
the very same reward have traditionally answered “I Serve the Soviet Union” – the answer came to replace the phrase “Serve the working people”in 1937.
said the burial teams when awarding
the Commander, who presented the award, traditionally announced the title and the name of the award, followed by merit, through which the latter receives the award. For example, for the aforementioned medals “For courage!” he said the following: “For personal courage and bravery shown in defending the Fatherland and the performance of military duty”. Next, the commander secured the medal or award on the chest of the reward, and at this point, usually followed by some informal greeting or farewell, Uchitiva feature of the activities of “undertaker” is often might sound phrases, such as:
“For all of us you duty to give the deceased”;
“It is you the gratitude of the mothers of the dead”;
In fact, variations could be many, all dependent on the particular commander. In the memories of veterans you can meet many other options.
Russian Seven
© Russian Seven
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